Kyung-in Museum of Fine Arts
September 22 - 28, 2021
"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to witness your extraordinary exhibition today. It was far too short-lived but I was grateful I could see it at all!! I appreciate all your historical and personal reflections and details to achieve each of the works of art you put so much time, heart and thoughts into. I am going to look at your book and the large magazine you gave me. You are an amazing force!"
- June Kang, Miss Korea
"Just got back from Hong Won's exhibition at Hall 5 of the 경인미술관 (Kyungin Museum of Fine Art). I've spent a lot of time with his works through his book, but seeing them in person is a completely different experience. They really are best seen in the three dimensions that only real life can convey.The atmosphere there is almost akin to a wedding, with the artist running back and forth to answer questions from visitors curious about what each of the details mean (and there are a *lot* of details in each of them)."
-David MacLeod, 'Civilization in Transition' Translator
"어제 원홍 선생님 전시는 감동이었습니다. 조선 근세사를 '서세동점'의 맥락에서 해석해서 미술 작품으로 승화시킨 것은 놀라운 고뇌와 영감의 산물입니다. '구운몽', '플라톤의 아카데미', M.C. Escher, 손창섭의 '포말의 의지'로 이어지는 동서고금의 신화, 사상, 문학, 미술에 걸친 문명사적 reference들은 원선생님 공부의 깊이를 엿볼수 있게 해줍니다. 그리고 이 모든 것을 risque 하면서도 익숙하고, 현란하면서도 과하지 않게, 전통적이면서 너무 전통적이지도 않게 표현해 내셨습니다. 다시한번 축하드립니다. 머지 않은 미래에 작품들을 다시 감상할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 참 수고 많으셨습니다."
- 함재봉, '한국 사람 만들기' 저자
Kyung-in Museum of Fine Arts
September 22 - 28, 2021
"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to witness your extraordinary exhibition today. It was far too short-lived but I was grateful I could see it at all!! I appreciate all your historical and personal reflections and details to achieve each of the works of art you put so much time, heart and thoughts into. I am going to look at your book and the large magazine your gave me. You are an amazing force!"
- June Kang, Miss Korea
"Just got back from Hong Won's exhibition at Hall 5 of the 경인미술관 (Kyungin Museum of Fine Art). I've spent a lot of time with his works through his book, but seeing them in person is a completely different experience. They really are best seen in the three dimensions that only real life can convey.The atmosphere there is almost akin to a wedding, with the artist running back and forth to answer questions from visitors curious about what each of the details mean (and there are a *lot* of details in each of them)."
- David MacLeod, Civilization in Transition Translator
"어제 원홍 선생님 전시는 감동이었습니다. 조선 근세사를 '서세동점'의 맥락에서 해석해서 미술 작품으로 승화시킨 것은 놀라운 고뇌와 영감의 산물입니다. '구운몽', '플라톤의 아카데미', M.C. Escher, 손창섭의 '포말의 의지'로 이어지는 동서고금의 신화, 사상, 문학, 미술에 걸친 문명사적 reference들은 원선생님 공부의 깊이를 엿볼수 있게 해줍니다. 그리고 이 모든 것을 risque 하면서도 익숙하고, 현란하면서도 과하지 않게, 전통적이면서 너무 전통적이지도 않게 표현해 내셨습니다. 다시한번 축하드립니다. 머지 않은 미래에 작품들을 다시 감상할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 참 수고 많으셨습니다."
- 함재봉, '한국 사람 만들기' 저자